Swedish Mountain Leader Organisation SFLO

May 2019, by Markus Nyman

Markus Nyman, new chairman of SFLO

On the Annual General Assembly of the Swedish Mountain Leader Organisation the 19th of May 2019 at Enaforsholms Mountain Station, Markus Nyman was elected new Chairman of the board. Markus has been active board member since 2016 and sees it as a natural step to take the role of Chairman. – We have a number of very important tasks ahead of us and we face several challenges the coming three years, says Markus. Above all the work to start the training of International Mountain Leaders and in a few years we hope to gain full membership status within UIMLA (Union of International Mountain Leader Associations). He also points out the importance of gathering even more members to strengthen the position as an industry organisation for mountain leaders. – We already have some of the countrys most experienced mountain leaders and we are also backed by the authorities, schools, companies and not-for-proift organisations that looks positively onto the development.

About the Swedish Mountain Leader Organisation

The Swedish Mountain Leader Organisation SFLO is a member organisation for trained and assessed mountain leaders. The demand for every member is to be trained and assessed according to the Swedish Mountain Leader Standard. The Standard is put together by the Swedish Mountain Safety Council and is the lowest tier of training required to guide in the Swedish mountains.

The industry organisation SFLO was founded to safeguard the interests and rights of mountain leaders and to create an organisation where mountain leaders can develop. Another feature is to market and network with eachother. SFLO is one of the major organisations in this area and is also a member of the Swedish Mountain Safety Council.

The most important goals and tasks of SFLO are:

    • Offer Professional development training and workshops for mountain leaders.
    • Safeguard the profession’s interests through collaborations with other organisations, companies and government agencies.
    • Market the organisation and our members towards the industry, employers and consumers.

SFLO also works with

      • Bringing an insurance to our members and the areas of work.
      • Bringing membership perks, discounts and pro purchase deals.
      • Developing the Swedish training for International Mountain Leaders (IML) through UIMLA (Union of International Mountain Leader Associations) with SFLO currently being an Aspirant Country. UPDATE: Since November 2022, Sweden is a full member of UIMLA.

Hey! I'm Markus 👋

In the last decade, I have had the chance to lead a number of trips in the Scandinavian wilderness almost every week. Now I want to take the opportunity to invite you to join.
Look at the tours & courses part of the website, and let me know if you find anything interesting.

You can reach me directly at markus@deepwild.com    

Markus Nyman
Guide & Founder, Deep Wild Scandinavia


+46 767 626252


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