FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

The most common questions and answers

We have gathered the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers about our tours, courses and about the company. If these frequently asked questions does not answer your question, please do get in contact with us by telephone or email.


How do I book?
You can book our tours and courses by using the form on the contact page. You are also welcome to call or email.
What is the best way to make a reservation and how far in advance should we do it?
The best way to make a reservation is to contact us by phone or email. You can also use the contact form on the website. For information on how far in advance you should make a reservation, please contact us as it differs a bit on each course and tour.
What do I get after I have made my booking?
When you have contacted us with your booking request, you need to receive a booking confirmation by email. The booking confirmation will include more information on how to pay the booking fee. Once the booking fee is cleared, you are fully booked into the experience.
With the booking confirmation, you will also find some useful information regarding the experience.
Can I organise my own private group?
Absolutely. If you want to organise your own private group, we can put much more flexibility into your needs and conditions. Please do get in contact and briefly explain what you have in mind. We are happy to talk – no strings attached.
Do you have special group rates?
No general group discounts, but if you are a group of 4 or more, please get in contact and maybe we can arrange something extra.
Can we add someone on the tour at the last minute?
It depends, sometimes we can, sometimes not. We recommend you plan and book in advance.
Can I pay on the day of my trip?
We ask that our guests pay before each trip unless otherwise agreed.
Can I buy a gift certificate?
Yes, just email us the amount in SEK that you wish and if you wish – what tour or course you should be displayed on the gift certificate (the whole amount can still be used on any of our trips).
How much does it cost?
Each trip has the price displayed on the page of that trip.
What payment methods are accepted?
Currently we only use invoices as a payment method.
Are there any hidden extras or surcharges?
No, what is included in the price is included but that also means that if there is something which is not included (like food, transportation and lodging in some cases) you will have to arrange this by yourself. Of course, we can recommend you places and help you find a good price.
I have booked a trip but can no longer travel, can I get a refund?
Please read through the general terms and conditions to read how we handle refunds.
Do I need travel insurance?
We have a responsibility insurance by Länsförsäkringar Jämtland but we recommend everyone to have a valid travel insurance that also covers the outdoor activities you plan to join us in.
Im booking on my own, is that okay?
Yes, absolutely. That is a great way to make new friends and we will make sure you won’t feel left out.
Will I need to bring any extra money on the trip?
It may be a nice idea to bring some pocket money if you want to buy some coffee or Swedish Fika along the way.
Do I need to tip guides and how much?
Tipping is not necessary but is in general very much appreciated if you think your guide really did a good job. 5-10% of the trip value is a normal amount.

General Information About Tours & Courses

What differentiates a tour and a course?
On a tour we focus more on the experience of the tour and the nature. Usually we go further and see more and have more time to “be out” on the experience. On a course we may still be outside but more focus is on the learning part so expect some parts where we may stand still and teach.
On all tours and courses, we still focus on having a good time and laughing.
How many people will be on my trip?
It depends on the tour but we keep groups small and we try to keep a guide to client ratio of about 1:6. Some tours you may expect to keep a slightly lower or higher ratio. In the end, this is a quality and safety issue that not many other companies adhere to.
If you are a larger group, we can of course adapt to your wishes of group size.
What if the group is made up of different ability levels?
All groups, no matter what, will come with different background, knowledge and experiences. Still, if the group has very large ability levels, we will find a common ground for everyone. This is usually never a problem for anyone and the guide will be good at finding ways for the more experienced to learn more and also helping the ones who need.
Again, this is never really an issue.
Am I fit enough?
Are you? General everyday fitness is usually fine. We keep a rather slow and steady pace so endurance is more important than explosivity. Expect to be out multiple hours per day in mountain terrain, sometimes walking uphill or downhill, through forests and in stony terrain. All while carrying our own equipment.
Still, don’t let this scare you off. If you have a normal fitness level you will do fine. We put in plenty of breaks and keep a slow pace to make sure everyone enjoys the tour.
Anxious about the physical level of the tour? Send us an email and we will discuss further into detail.
What should I pack?
A packing list will be sent to you well in advance before the tour. A general tip would be to pack light and skip most of the “good to have” items you may want to bring along. A light pack usually means that you can conserve more energy and spend more time enjoying the breath-taking views.
What is the age limit for children?
Most of our guests are +18 years but we can sometimes accept younger guests when accompanied by their legal guardian. Please contact us to know more.
Will the guide know much about the cultural and natural history of the area?
Yes, our guides are very knowledgeable about the culture and history of the area which is very rich of stories and findings. Everything from stone age findings to world war II stories from the area.
What happens to all my stuff when I'm on the tour/course?
Most of the time you can store it at the hotel or by the guide office. More information will be sent upon booking and the staff will help you out.
What if I am unable to continue due to illness or injury?
If you are unable to continue the tour due to illness or injuries, we will help you to get back to civilisation and of course get medical treatment if you need.
Are there a lot of mosquitos?
The mosquitos are not dangerous or harmful but can be annoying at times. During the high summer season (July-August) there can be some mosquitos. Our advice is to bring some mosquito repellent which can be purchased on most gas stations and general stores in the mountains. Or you can try the old-fashioned way – walking out into the forest wearing nothing but your boots in hopes of becoming resistant.
Do you provide maps for the holiday?
The guide will be carrying a map at all times that you can use if you want to navigate.
Are dogs allowed?
Most often not, but if you book a private tour we can arrange that.
Are we allowed to fish?
Often, but you will require a special permit which the guide can help you pre purchase if you say so when booking.
How long do we stay active per day?
It depends on each tour, weather conditions and if it is a course or a tour. You should expect to spend about 6-8 hours of moving every day. Of course, we plan for plenty of breaks for coffee and lunch.
How much water should I bring?
We recommend that you bring at least 1-2 litres of water per day depending on how warm it is and how physical the challenge of the day is. The guide will let you know so you can plan accordingly. On multi day tours we can usually resupply several times during the day.

Safety Questions

How safe is it?
In general, all of our activities, courses and events are very safe. However, please be aware that there is always a risk when participating in outdoor activities. Deep Wild Scandinavia has a safety plan for all activities concerning the company and also specific risk assessments and plans for each tour. The guides are also very experienced and make their own judgements throughout the days. We ask all guests to follow the guides directions and follow the rules of the tour.
If you are concerned about the safety of your trip, please ask as we will be more than happy to answer anything regarding safety.
What about bears and other wild animals?
The guides will make sure we are safe at all times regarding bears and other wildlife. Bear encounters are very rare but beware that we are in some of the areas with the highest bear popularity in Europe.
What should I pack in my first aid kit?
We recommend that you bring a small first aid kit including general items but also more specific items such as: Personal medications you may need such as painkillers you have used before and also tape or bandaids for blisters.
Your guide will carry a larger first aid kit, customized for the activity you are participating in. Please beware that that we operate in terrain which may be far away from hospitals and emergency care. However, all guides are trained in first aid ranging from basic first aid to Wilderness First Responders.
How do I prevent blisters?
First of all – find a boot that fits your feet and break them in well in advance before your trip. Secondly, we recommend that you use socks made of wool, try to avoid cotton as much as possible. You can also use tape on exposed parts to strengthen those areas well before you get the blister.
If you start to feel warm on some specific areas and you think you may be getting a blister – tell your guide immediately. There is nothing wrong with stopping the group to take care of blisters, it is actually the right way to do it and is not as much of a hassle as you may think. We cannot stress this enough!
This way you will have a much more pleasant experience with us in Scandinavia.
What happens if the weather is bad?
If it is bad weather, we will roughen it out and getting the experience from it. If it is really bad weather, we may cancel the tour or plan another route or adjust the program. This may include not reaching summits during thunder storms or going onto more exposed slopes when the avalanche danger is too high. It can also mean that some rivers may be too dangerous to cross and we may have to walk further to find a better place to cross.
If you come on a trip with us with an open mind you are sure to get a better experience in the end.

Can't find the answer of your question?

If you can’t find the answer to your question, you are more than welcome to get in touch through phone or email and we will solve it. If we don’t know the answer – we will find it out. Simple as that.


What kind of shoes do I need for hiking?
We recommend hiking boots which cover your ankles and are slightly stiffer than normal shoes. It is important to have a good sole that can provide you with good grip and stability.
What will I be carrying on the hike?
You will be carrying your own equipment, clothes and food. Some group equipment such as light weight tents and kitchen stoves will be distributed throughout the group. This is common on most guided tours in Scandinavia.
How cold do the nights get?
It depends on where we are hiking but you should plan for snow the whole year – even in the summer months there can be snow during the nights even though it most of the time is not. Especially in the autumn it can be a bit cold during the evenings so we recommend bringing a hat, some light gloves and a down jacket to keep you toasty when relaxing at the evening. In the mornings, the valleys are usually covered in fog and frost covers the ground – it is an absolutely amazing landscape to experience hiking in the autumn.
How do I stay dry while hiking?
Bring a shell jacket and a pair of shell pants. We recommend Gore Tex or similar layers – avoid those heavy 100% waterproof plastic stuff or the plastic ponchos that will rip open like nothing. A good shell jacket and shell pants will keep you dry while walking, camping, paddling or skiing so an investment in this type of clothes is usually something you never regret.
We have quite a few tips of how to keep things dry and how to dry things when hiking, but more about that on the tours and courses.
Should I use Hiking poles?
That is a question each one has to answer but there is nothing wrong with bringing them and if you feel like they would help we do recommend it. A lot of guides also walk with poles or bring one pole to use when the terrain gets a bit rough but it is a personal choice.

Ski Touring

What will I be carrying on the ski tour?
On our ski touring trips you will be carrying everything you need to be in the mountains for the day or in some cases, items for multi day trips. On day trips where we stay by a cabin or mountain station, we will be carrying around 10 kg of equipment but if we are going from cabin to cabin, expect to have some heavier backpacks. A backpack of roughly 30-40 litres is good for day tours and around 50 litres is usually enough for when we are going from cabin to cabin.
How cold does it usually get in the valleys?
It depends, in the beginning of the season, you can expect to experience colder temperatures – sometimes -20° to -30° degrees Celsius and more towards March, April and May the temperatures usually rise. This is the time when ski touring is really popular as when the sun is out, the temperature during the day is often around -5° to +5° degrees. In May the temperatures during the day can be closer to +10° so T-shirt weather for sure.
How cold do the summits get?
The summits are only a couple of degrees colder in temperature. However, expect much higher wind on the summits than in the bottom of the mountain so the effective temperature is much less. Wind is really chilling to bare skin and can also increase the risk of losing items such as gloves and skis without ski stoppers, lanyards or skins onto them. Don’t worry, the guide will help you and show you excellent techniques on how to keep stuff organized and everyone warm.
What if the snow conditions are bad?
If the snow conditions are bad, we will search for better snow on multiple aspects and heights. The more time we have on the mountain, the more time we will have to find good snow. In general, the snow conditions are good until the end of April and into May for ski touring.
What if there is high avalanche danger?
If the avalanche danger is high, we will adjust our plan accordingly to the weather and avalanche forecast. We will also gather data throughout the days and bring it with us when planning the next day. Each day the guides will make risk assessments and come up with regulations on where we can and cannot be. All guides are trained in avalanche rescue and we always have a small training session in the beginning of each tour so that everyone knows how to operate their equipment. Before each run we will discuss rules, ski runs and how to behave. If the avalanche danger is still too high, we will find safe options with good skiing anyways.

Food, Drink, Lodging and Level of Comfort

Are there restaurants close by and what kind of food can we expect there?
Usually there are plenty of restaurants close by where we start and stop the tours but you should not expect there to be a lot to chose from during the tours when we are sometimes deep into the backcountry. Sometimes there is the possibility to purchase food and beverages at the mountain stations and cabins and sometimes food is included in the price.
The restaurants in Norway and Sweden holds a very high standard and you can expect to chose from both local cuisine and more international dishes.
Are there grocery stores close by where we can buy food or snacks?
Sometimes. We recommend you buy snacks well before reaching the point where we start our tours as the prices in the mountains can sometimes be slightly inflated. If you are travelling by train or bus we can of course help you out with purchasing food or snacks in advance or stop by a local store on the way to the trail head.
Should I bring food?
Sometimes, it depends on the tour. If you are wondering if you should bring food, please take contact and we will help you further. Sometimes there are food included in the price, sometimes we will eat by the cabins and sometimes you will need to purchase and bring food by yourself – nevertheless we will help you out both pre-tour and during the tour to make sure you are well fed at all times. We are here to help you.
What food will we be eating during the tour?
It depends. When we are travelling where there are no cabins and mountain stations, we will need to cook our own food using gas stoves. This means that the food needs to taste good, be lightweight and have a high durability. Expect to eat different kinds of stews with pasta, rice and mashed potatoes with some kind of vegetables and source of protein.
If we are eating by mountain cabins and stations, you can either cook the food indoors using normal stoves and kitchens or we will be eating at the restaurant. The restaurants usually have very high standard in terms of quality of the dishes.
No matter what, we will make sure you are well fed and happy with the food throughout your experience with us.
Can you cater for special dietary requirements?
Yes. Please state your special dietary requirements when booking to make sure we have plenty of time to adjust the planning.
If you have any allergies which may cause severe sickness, please address this in the booking as well as in the beginning of the tour to make sure that the office and the guides have time to inform the other guests not to bring said items – for example nuts.
What are some tasty trail snacks?
We usually recommend everything which tastes good, is easy to eat (no need to cook it using boiling water), does not require being stored cold and provides plenty of energy. This may include some chocolate bars, dried fruit, dried meat, raisins and some coffee.
Is the water drinkable?
In general, yes, but it is good to collect water from a reliable source. Normal tap water as can be found in hotels, hostels, homes, mountain stations and some cabins are all perfectly okay to drink and actually tastes really good.
There is no need to bring bottled water. If we are unsure about a source of water when out in the mountains, we will use methods to make sure it is 100% clean and pure to drink.
Will bathrooms be available?
At the trail head, where we meet up and end the tours, there are usually bathrooms. However, in the wilderness there are most often not bathrooms as in a city. Sometimes there are outhouses and some mountain stations have normal bathrooms. When we are camping where there are no bathrooms, we will give you directions on where and how to do your business.
Most cabins and mountain stations offer the opportunity to shower and use a sauna as well as swimming in a close by lake or going out to roll in the snow.
What types of accommodation will we be staying in?
Everything from sleeping under the stars to the best hotels there is. Most often we will be sleeping in either tents or in remote mountain cabins. The mountain cabins guarantee that you will get a mattress and roof over your head in case it is crowded (it is often not), but most often you will get a comfortable bed in a room where several persons sleep. On mountain stations and on some tours, it is possible to get a 2 bed room or a single bed room. If you have any questions regarding the accommodation of your tour, please do ask.
Can I add extra nights or activities to the start or end of my trip?
Yes, just get in contact with us and we will help you find a way.
Can I upgrade my hotel?
Sometimes. It depends on the availability of where we are staying. Please ask in regards to the tour you are planning and we will see what we can arrange.
In most small mountain cabins or if we are sleeping in tents, it is often not possible. But if we are staying in larger mountain stations it is often possible. Please ask.
What level of comfort can I expect during my adventure?
It depends on the tour and course. You should expect breath-taking views and stunning scenery but also expect that the weather can be quite rough and so can sleeping in tents and staying active most of the day. It is best if you come to our adventures with an open mind. With that said, the comfort is usually great, good fresh air, most of the time there are some lounge chairs in the mountain stations and small shops where you can purchase coffee and baked goods.
At the trail head, where we meet up and end the tours, there are usually bathrooms. However, in the wilderness there are most often not bathrooms as in a city. Sometimes there are outhouses and some mountain stations have normal bathrooms. When we are camping where there are no bathrooms, we will give you directions on where and how to do your business.
Most cabins and mountain stations offer the opportunity to shower and use a sauna as well as swimming in a close by lake or going out to roll in the snow.
What amenities are at the accommodation? Can I charge my batteries?
In the mountain stations (hotels), you can charge your batteries but in some smaller cabins as well as when we are sleeping in tents, charging your phone can be a bit tricky. If you are anxious about if you will be able to charge your phone, we recommend you bring a power bank and take care to only use your electrics when you really need to.
You can also bring a small fold out solar panel as can be purchased in most outdoor shops today.
Where do we stay?
On different tours and courses, you will stay on different places. Some places we will be staying at the same place throughout the whole trip and on some tours, we will go from hut to hut or going with tents. If you have any questions regarding a specific trip, please read more on the page of that trip or contact us directly.
Do I need to book extra accommodation before or after my adventure?
You may need to, depending on where you are traveling to or from. We can help you find a suitable place to stay at before or after the trip so do not worry.
What type of ground transportation is used during the tours?
On most tours there will be no ground transportation using vehicles but in case, we will let you know when booking or at the page of the trip. It clearly says if the transportation is included or not.
Do your tours include international airfares?
No, our tours do not include international airfares so you will need to book this by yourself. We can however, advice you on the nearest airport and how to get from the airport to where the adventure starts. Just make contact well in advance and we will help you out.

Pre trip and after trip planning (travel to / from)

Can someone from Deep Wild Scandinavia meet us at the train station or airport?
Yes, sometimes we can help you out with transportation. Please let us know well in advance and maybe we can sort something out.
Can someone from Deep Wild Scandinavia meet us at the hotel the evening before to brief us?
Yes, sometimes we can meet you at your accommodation the evening before to give you an idea of what to expect in the days to come, please ask well in advance so we can arrange something.
Where does the trip begin and how do I connect with my guide?
On each page of the trips, there says where the trip begins. When booking you will also be notified of where to meet your guide and how to get in contact with the guide. A few weeks before the trip we will also check to see that everyone is informed.
What happens if we run late for the start?
If you are running late, contact your guide and we will try to make the best of it.
When should we arrive?
Each page of the trips has a specific time when we start the tour, so please to try arrive some time in advance before the trip starts. Sometimes it is possible to arrive at the same time but it is good to arrive some time before to allow for any delays.
What are the typical road conditions like in winter?
Typical road conditions range from dry roads to icy or slushy roads. It may be a good idea to give some extra time to allow for driving at slower speed and putting in plenty of breaks. All rental cars in Sweden and Norway have winter tires and we recommend using studded tires. This is especially useful when driving in Norway and also keep a close watch on which roads are open or not. Need more information? Contact us.
Where do we book a Train ticket / Bus / Taxi?
In Sweden most train tickets can be purchased at www.sj.se. If you need to go by bus or taxi, let us know and we will help you find a suitable solution. For Norwegian trains, please go to www.nsb.no and purchase a ticket.
Do your tours include international airfares?
No, our tours do not include international airfares so you will need to book this by yourself. We can however, advice you on the nearest airport and how to get from the airport to where the adventure starts. Just make contact well in advance and we will help you out.
Do I need to book extra accommodation before or after my adventure?
You may need to, depending on where you are traveling to or from. We can help you find a suitable place to stay at before or after the trip so do not worry.
When is the best time to go on a vacation to Scandinavia?
All year! Seriously, winter is fantastic and so is spring – the spring skiing is great! But also paddling in the summer with the long days and bright nights when the forest and mountains are full of life. Hiking in the autumn is also a favourite! Especially when it is warm during the days and colder during nights, colours are all over the mountains and when the highest peaks get their first dust of snow – wow! No matter which time you come visit Scandinavia, you are bound to have a perfect vacation enjoying the season.

About the Company

Why should I go on an adventure with Deep Wild Scandinavia?
If you want to experience the Wilderness of Scandinavia in a safe, fun and educational way, we are your best option. We highly value your time and want to make it easier for you to get a better experience. Our goal is to make sure you get extraordinary memories that will last a long time. (oh yeah, bragging rights too!)
How long has Deep Wild Scandinavia been in business?
Deep Wild Scandinavia was started in 2014 and spent the first years working as a consultant guide on a freelance basis. Most guides working for us freelance regularly and Markus who runs the company still works as a guide on behalf of other guide companies some times.
What type of training certifications does your staff have?
Multiple! The people working for us have a long a thorough background in outdoor activities and are very familiar with the area. We are certified according to the Swedish Mountain Safety Council’s Mountain Leader Norm. On top of that Markus has a Wilderness First Responder certification as well as Avalanche Technician and much more. In the background he went on a tourism education in southern Sweden and also the 1½ year education to Adventure and Wilderness Guide in Åre.
We have all the training certifications that we need to legally and safely guide our tours.
Am I suited to small group travel?
It depends on you. But if you like more value for your money and experiencing intense nature without the hassle of crowds, you will probably like small group travel.
What about environmental impact?
We understand that traveling has an environmental impact and we encourage the industry to collectively work towards leaving lesser impacts on the nature and our environment. At Deep Wild Scandinavia we strictly believe in the Leave No Trace policies and using the rules of the Right of Public Access (Allemansrätten). This means that we will follow Nature Reserve and National Park restrictions and regulations as well as many written and unwritten rules on our tours. We operate in fragile mountain environments who are home to many species and plants.
We see this as something to be proud of and ask that all our guests respect it.
Do Deep Wild work with companies who want to hire Deep Wild Scandinavia as a local partner?
Absolutely. For travel companies and guide agencies we can help with information about local weather and status reports as well as logistics and guiding. We can also serve as extra back-up if something unplanned happens. We welcome collaborations and are happy to discuss terms for your project.
Where can I get more information?
All information is available on the website but if you can not find what you are looking for, please contact us and we will sort it out.

Can't find the answer of your question?

If you can’t find the answer to your question, you are more than welcome to get in touch through phone or email and we will solve it. If we don’t know the answer – we will find it out. Simple as that.

More information

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to the most common questions you may have.

General terms and conditions

Please read through our general terms and conditions before booking.

Plan your trip

Packing lists, travel descriptions and other useful information.


Let the Scandinavian environments inspire you so that you will return home with new ideas on how to deal with the everyday. We know how to charge the batteries for real and building teams on conference activities.